Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can God create a stone that is so heavy that even He himself cannot lift it up?

edited by Celine Yeap

Can God create a stone that is so heavy that even He himself cannot lift it up?

I still remember someone asked me this question back then 3 years ago, when I was still a young Christian. To be honest I really couldn’t answer this question myself. Either answer, yes or no, would be a contradiction of the fact that God is able to do everything.

This question did bug me for quite a while, until I studied mathematical proving in university. To be exact, I didn’t find the answer for the question, but I did however, find a solution to prove that this question is a flawed question.

Can God create a stone that is so heavy that even He himself cannot lift it up? The answer is “yes, with condition”, or at the same time “no, with condition”. 

To prove that this question is a flawed question, firstly, we need to understand the concept of “mathematical induction”. It is not a difficult concept, and I am providing a few examples, which are quite self explanatory.

One technique we are going to use is CONTRAPOSITIVE. Putting it in its simplest form, “contrapositive” means “if not A, then not B”. It states that given a set A, if an element doesn’t belong to set A, then it is not possible that it will be in set B.  Let’s try with the simplest example.

Statement: If a number can be divided by 2, then it is an even number.
Contrapositive statement: If a number is NOT an even number, then it CANNOT be divided by 2.

It’s quite simple right? Now, we can see that the set of A is “even number”, and set B is “can be divided by 2”. This technique can be applied not only in maths, but things concerning daily life. Let’s try another example.

Supposing this statement is true: “If a man can walk, then he can run”
Then the contrapositive statement will be: “If a man CANNOT run, then he CANNOT walk”.

Now let us apply these to our question: Can God create a stone that is so heavy that even He himself cannot lift it up? Before we continue, we all have to agree that God is omnipotent (able to do all things). In fact, this question tries to disprove it. In this, we first implement the condition that God can create such stone, and the question is, whether He himself can lift it up or not.

Okay, let’s get started.

Statement 1: We all know a stone has mass.
Contrapositive:  If a stone doesn’t have mass, then it is not a stone.

Statement 2: And we know the range: from the lightest mass, say 0kg, to the maximum mass, ∞kg.
Contrapostiive: If a stone’s mass doesn’t lie in between 0kg to ∞kg, then it doesn’t have mass.

Statement 3: We agreed that God is omnipotent.
Contrapositive : If God is not omnipotent, then He is not God.

Statement 4: According to God’s omnipotence, He can lift all the stones, ranging from 0kg to ∞kg.
Contrapositive: If God cannot lift all the stone ranging from 0kg  to ∞kg, then He is not omnipotent.

Now, suppose, there is just one stone which God cannot lift; we name it stone X.

  1. According to statement 1, this stone X ought to have some sort of mass (if not, it is not a stone!) 
  2. Subsequently, according to statement 2, this stone X’s mass will lie in between 0kg to ∞kg (if not, it doesn't have mass, and if it doesn’t have mass, it is not a stone!). 
  3. Then, according to statement 3 and 4, since this stone X’s mass will lie in between 0kg to ∞kg, then God is able to lift it up(if not, it is either God is not God or, the stone is not a stone). 
And we are done with our proving.

So the gist part is this : Stone X’s mass must be less than or equal to ∞, but since God can lift even the ∞kg of stone, what else can’t He lift up?

Of course, contrapositives may not be true all the time (pardon me for not explaining due to space constraints), but it is true for our case. Or, we can try to disprove the contrapositive statements. You can try to say a stone doesn't have mass, but even child knows that all matter has mass and occupy space. You can try to say God is not omnipotent, but my bible states that God is able in doing all things: For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37

So, there lies a contradiction. We have just proved that God can lift up stone X, but at the same time the description of stone X is a stone which God cannot lift up. The real conclusion, is, what is stone X? I do not know. The contradiction states that the statement is flawed. Stone X doesn’t exist.

Remember the condition is such that God CAN create such stone, and we are proving whether He can lift it up or not (Pragaraph 10, line 4). By the same method, we can do it the other way round. We can first agree that God can lift up all stones, and then try to prove whether God can create it or not. I can assure you will get the same results. The statement itself is flawed. Well then, how can we answer a yes no question, if the statement itself is flawed?

A memorable quote a famous pastor, Pastor Stephen Tong, said is that we should “Never try to prove the existence of God. God is a creator; your proof is a creation. How can a creation prove the existence of a creator?”

Well said, and I truly believe that it is by His wisdom that He created all things and does all things, and what we experience here are all His arts pointing to His finished work. J

Saturday, May 19, 2012

3 Days Worth of Memory

Many of us would have read “Three Days to See” by Helen Keller, but what if, you only had 3 days worth of memories?

Three days to see, or three days of life, or three days worth of memories – wait, I am no noble man here to discuss philosophical questions such as these.

Once someone said: “If you can live life like there’s no tomorrow, and just do what you want to do, then your life will never be the same again.” How true it is, but I doubt its practicality. We all want to do what we want to do, but most of the time we cannot. There are too many things that we need to take into consideration, you know; freedom comes with limitations. We can’t, say, quit our jobs or studies and travel to a far far place, remain there and enjoy life. At the same time, one man influences another. We need to take care of our parents, our spouse, our friends and many other parties in our lives. Even if we are able to do put all these things down, and aim for our dreams, we still need to take care of our basic needs. Man needs to first produce then consume. If I don’t work, how am I going to fill my stomach? That is why, desire and reality are always far apart. For those who can bring them close together, success belongs to them.

What if, there exists a special kind of disease, which allows your brain to retain only 3 days worth of memory. After every three days, you will forget everything – you forget who you are and those who are around you. You do not remember a single thing. All your academic or technical skills are wiped clean. You are left with nothing except for the ability to communicate and the rationale to judge logically. Will you still be able to live?

I can’t imagine how meaningless that life would be. If you were a successful man, all your glorious and wonderful moments are to be erased, after just three days. You cannot retain a single thing. Even if someone is to record it down, it would be futile, because eventually you will not remember even who you are. The “you” 3 days before is NOT THE SAME as the “you” 3 days after. Meaningless is that life, but there is one thing which is comforting. Say if you have a miserable life, condemned and abandoned, after 3 days, you will forget everything. All your transgressions and your iniquities will be gone, and you can start a brand new life.

Of course, your main challenge is still, survival. You do not have any knowledge. All that you learned in high school and college – you lose them. You have no qualifications, no papers, nothing. How do you earn a living? And what if, you are allowed choose to let your brain remember one thing; just one single thing, what would it be? How do you, technically, survive?

If I were to be placed in such a situation, I would let my brain remember that “I have such a disease”. I may have lost my memories, but I haven’t lost my rationale. Literally, I am still able to think. My rationale will still be able to guide me to find food and the basic needs. Having myself reminded of this disease ensures a peace of mind. At least, I won’t do anything stupid, or at least, I would know how to resolve my priorities – first to survive then do something else. Once this part is done, I am safe, and need not worry about other things.

The strategy stated above is crucial, even in real life. You see, “allowing my brain to remember that I have such a disease” is just the same as “to know and identify yourself” (in real life). Many a times, we are blinded by a lot of things. Our heart is troubled by the daily problems that we face. The worst part is, we let circumstances redefine ourselves. For example, you wish to be successful, or to get rich, but you end up in a college. Why? That’s because everyone is attending college, and you “FEEL” that if you don’t do the same, you will be left out. You think you are not able to compete with the others. You think that no companies are going to hire you. Again, our values are compromised. We lose our directions, and eventually our identities. We forget who we are. See, when you forget who you are, you are identical to the person without memories! Why? It’s because when you are lost, you do not know your priorities. You cannot apply what you have learnt. You follow what the other says. You don’t feel comfortable when things are out of norm. You cannot control not the problems but yourself. When the trouble is small, you magnify it and start to worry about it – all because, you do not know your priorities and this is first because you are lost.

The bible says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. How wise these words are! (Mark 6:34)

If I were to have only 3 days worth of memory, I would spend the first two days thinking, and the last day executing what I have thought.

For every 3 days, I am left with nothing. All I have is my brain telling me I have this weird disease. But it reminds me that my “LIFE” is short, technically only 3 days. I know that I only have 3 days worth of memory. I have to survive these 3 days, by hook or by crook. I need a plan. I need to think. A plan to survive, think to live. I will not spend a single effort to do any other things within these two days. All I will have to think is just to plan carefully, and this plan will have to allow me to live for 3 days. The plan cannot fail, because I can’t afford to. I only have 3 days, and there is no reverse if I were to fail. I can think of how to make a small impact on others. I can think of how to help others. All these things will be part of my 3 day plan.

As for the last day, I will stop thinking. I let my brain rest. For now, I will concentrate on executing the plan. This is my last day of my 3 day life. Tomorrow I will have a new one. I will not regret in what I do. Regret is not what I should do now but the first two days. No other things should divert my concentration. I need to find food, food that is enough for 3 days. This is because after tomorrow, I will lose my memories again, and for the next two days spent in planning and thinking, I have to consume what I have previously found. I am not sure how I plan to help others, but I guess I am still be able to make an impact to the people around me, even if it is less significant than it should be. I am free to help others – because there is no conflict of interest. I will not remember anything else, after I wake up tomorrow. As long as I am able to survive, nothing is important to me.

If I were to follow what I have written above, then I would have spent 2/3 of my time enriching myself, while the other 1/3 enriching others.  Now life is THAT short, but I bet it’s well spent.

Friday, May 18, 2012


English Version: 3 Days Worth of Memory


三天的光明,三天的记忆,或者是剩下三天的生命 - 这种这么哲学的东西,我要写得多伟大就可以有多伟大。

我记得曾经有人说过 如果你把每一天的生活都当着是你生命的最后一天,做你自己想做的事,那么你的人生肯定会很不一样。”我说先生啊,你这话说得也倒轻松,你以为我不想吗?但是全世界又有几个人可以做到?为什么我们做不到?理由很简单 理想归理想,现实归现实。现实中,我们有太多的牵挂 上有父母,下有家人,你对身边的朋友的交待,你所处理的事务;学习也好,工作也罢,很多时候我们是不能够就这么一走了之。就当你能够那么的潇洒一走了之,我们还要考虑人的基本需求,衣食住行 ;不工作生产,哪里来的钱喂肚子啊?所以,要从现实中实现理想,就必须能够抛开一切不顾一律的,那么成功就属于他们。所以成功永远属于那少数人- 而我承认我没有那么圣贤

如果你患有一种病, 它使你的记忆只能停留在三天以内。三天以后,你会忘记你所有的一切,你会忘记你自己,你会忘记你身边的人,你学过的任何学术和技术你都会忘记,留给你的只剩下语言、沟通和基本逻辑的判断能力之外,你会怎样?是否有想过这个问题?

那一定会是一个很残忍的现实。假使今天我有傲人的成绩,我多么的成功 三天后,全部都会化为灰烬,风光史绩不再。但与此同时,那也会使一个很慰人的事实。假使今天我输得一败涂地,我被人侮辱唾骂 - 三天后,我不再记得,万事可以从头来过,东山再起。当然,每个三天的开始,你没有一技之长,你什么都不会;所有的生物化学物理都不会记得 你忘了全部。所以,想办法生存,是你每个三天开始的第一个使命。如果真的有一天这么来临了,你会怎么办?如果又让你选择在记忆中保留一样东西,那会是什么呢?你又会用什么样的方法维持生命?


换着是我,如果让我选择在记忆中保留一样东西, 我会选择让我的记忆记着“我患有此病”。我会忘记一切,但我仍然可以思考-而让自己知道患有此病,绝对是个明智的选择,因为至少我的理性可以引导我,我不会出错,不会慌张,也可以让我在最短的时间内,想出生存的方法。三天记忆的时间,告诉自己“患有此病”- 是我们现今生活最缺少的东西, 那就是 认清自己”。我们被太多的东西迷惑和牵引- 它们可以是功名利禄,可以是琐事,可以是生活中的大问题小问题;但往往这些东西让我们迷失了自己。迷失了自己就跟没有记忆是一样的 - 因为你所学会的东西使不出来,没有效果,想解决却不能解决,只能颓废的被问题牵着鼻子走,然后没有目的的生存。你对你自己本身认知的价值被替代了、被人定值了。你想成为一个成功的人,就去读大学,为什么呢?因为人人都读大学,你不读大学,你就认为你自己没有机会成功。你看,你对成功的定义也是人家帮你设定的。



你看,在全新的三天里,我没有任何东西,只记得我有怪病 - 但它提醒我,我的“人生”只剩三天。我必须花一段的时间来思考,我应该怎么过这三天 。思考什么呢?思考我该怎么弄到足够三天的食物填饱肚子,思考我应该在最后一天做一件小小,但却有能力影响至少一个人的事情。在思考的期间,我不会花任何的努力去做任何事情,只会绞尽脑汁的想,仔细周详的计划-因为这个计划我不能出错,我只有三天,错了我可不能从来。这样,我的专注力会很强,我的逻辑脑部会很发达,我所思考的东西,就完全不会被记忆捆绑着。没有记忆的约束,我就是自由的人。

剩下最后一天,我就不思考了,而是全神贯注的去做我两天前所想好的东西,或是我已经做好的决定。这最后一天,我不会后悔我所做的一切,我会付全力去做,做好它, 因为后悔应该是我前两天做的事,而不是今天。我必须照着我之前想好的方法,去找三天的食物。必须是三天的食物,因为接下来的两天,我又会失去记忆,那接下来的两天我在思考,吃得必须是前三天找回来的食物。我做的东西不求回报-因为回报也没有用,过了明天我就忘记了。做,做那么看似微小,却占据我生命三分一的事情,去影响别人,去造就别人, 因为对于自己的东西不重要了,反正过了明天你也会忘记。就这样,我轰轰烈烈地过了我的三天。之后,另一个三天将来临,我重新开始。

如果这么做,那么我的生命的全部, 2/3花在充实自己,1/3花在造就别人。我不知道我会重复多少个这么样的三天,但至少,这样的人生,是没有白过了吧。

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


English version
前些日子和友人在电话中聊了起来。谈话中论起了公事,我请她务必相信我对某些事物的处理方式,因为其中有些原由是我自个儿明白,和她解释又要花费上一些功夫。谈了一会儿,她忍不住了: “你要告诉我为什么你这样做,人家才能相信你嘛!”




我们这里要探讨的是请问上帝是否将迦南美地赐给了他们?其实上帝早已经把迦南美地赐给了以色列人从亚伯拉罕开始,上帝早已承诺,务必把迦南交到以色列人的手上。而以色列人只需做到一点, 那就是 相信上帝,也相信上帝的承诺。从出埃及记书中,我们知道摩西派了十二个探子,要他们侦查迦南的状况。十二个探子来到迦南美地,看见肥美的葡萄这块地,确实是块肥沃、丰盛的土地, 一个流着奶和蜜的土地。如此的一个世外桃源,有谁不向往呢? 但这块地有个令人害怕的地方-迦南人。居住在此地的迦南人,都是一些高大的巨人,如果说要硬闯迦南美地,恐怕要损失巨大的兵力。于是,当探子回到摩西的身边,将一切情况都上报后,有十个探子极力反对攻打迦南美地。他们害怕那些巨人,甚至怂恿所有的以色列人不要进入迦南美地,反而甘愿回到埃及继续做奴隶。他们看见的是眼前的问题,完全把当初上帝的话语忘得一干二净。



有一个女人 ,患了十二年的血漏,在好些医生手里受了许多的苦,又花尽了他所有的,一点也不见好,病势反倒更重了。他听见耶稣的事,就从後头来,杂在众人中间,摸耶稣的衣裳,意思说:我只摸他的衣裳,就必痊愈於是他血漏的源头立刻乾了;他便觉得身上的灾病好了。馬可福音 5:25-29


门徒对他说:你看众人拥挤你,还说谁摸我麽?耶稣周围观看,要见做这事的女人。那女人知道在自己身上所成的事,就恐惧战兢,来俯伏在耶稣跟前,将实情全告诉他。耶稣对他说:女 儿,你的信救了你,平平安安的回去罢!你的灾病痊愈了。馬可福音 5:31-34


耶稣说:所以我告诉你 , 凡你们祷告祈求的 ,无论是甚麽 ,只要信是得着的,就必得着馬可福音 11:24

1.      我们求(祷告)
2.      相信已经得着
3.      得着(果效)

很多时候,我们是求了,是祷告了,但我们不信已经得着(因为还没看见果效),然后我们就认为上帝不聆听祷告。看来,我们得好好把馬 11:24好好的再仔细渗透一遍。


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First Believe, then Receive

Chinese version

edited by Celine Yeap

I just had a conversation with a friend of mine over the phone; I asked her to trust me more, versus asking me questions, questions pertaining to why I had taken certain measures in dealing with certain things. The reply that I received was – “You need to tell me everything for me to trust you”.

I literally laughed (and smiled), not at her reply but discovering what a naive, sweet girl she was, who couldn’t stand the suspense of not knowing. At the same time, the reply that she gave me made me reflect upon my walk of faith with God.

You see, people always (almost, 99.99%) only believe what their eyes can see – and such describes the Israelites.

And God spoke to Moses and said to him: "I am the LORD. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name LORD I was not known to them. I have also established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, in which they were strangers. And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage, and I have remembered My covenant." Exodus 6:2-5

Now, had God given them the land?  Yes. It is given to them, free of charge. But there is one thing the Israelites need to do – to believe. Believe in what? To believe the land is theirs, despite the giants who were by then, residing there. So what was the outcome? Let us recap – Moses sent the twelve spies into the land of Canaan, and the spies stayed in the land of Canaan for forty days. What did they see? Big grapes – juicy and yummy. Who wouldn’t want to stay there? The land was beautiful – flowing with milk and honey. A perfect land. The spies all agreed that Canaan was a wonderful country, and that it would be a great place for the Israelites to live, but all except two of them were afraid of the Canaanites. What do you suppose happened then? Well, ten of the spies advised Moses not to enter the land, describing that the chances of winning over the giants were just too little. WORSE still, the Israelites chose to believe the ten spies – forgetting in the first place that God has already given them the land.

Only two of the spies believed in the land. Well, not really. They believed in the Lord who saved them. They are Joshua and Caleb. What are the amazing stories about them? Read up Exodus and you will find out; but the point proven here is the act of believing. People believe only in what they see. It is hard for us, humans, to generate a special trust in something which is out of the norm; or, something that we have never experienced before – things that we do not see with our own eyes. But God has a different approach - He FIRST GIVES (i.e. it is already there, be it spiritual or tangible), and it then takes your “trust” to believe that He has already given to you. As such, it will be yours. Evidence? Sure - let’s see how Jesus has done it.

And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. – Mark 5:25-29

Ah. Jesus heals. And He heals a lot of people, by simply touching them. But what’s so special about the healing of this bleeding woman? Read on, and you will see Jesus’ commentary – a very important thing to note.

“You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’ ” But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your FAITH has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”Mark 5:31-34

See that? The answer is faith! If the woman hadn’t believed that Jesus could heal, there would not have been any miracle, even she were to wrap herself with the entire piece of cloth. But look what flashed through her mind –“ If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” She knew she WAS GOING to be healed; that is why she went and touched Jesus’ garment. The thing is Jesus had already provided the healing – and all you needed was faith to substantiate it.

Jesus said “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark11:24

(I suggest you read that verse at least 5 times before you continue reading)

Look at the sequence – BELIEVE (first) that you have received it (dude, you have it, and this is the part of believing) and then(after) it will be yours. First to believe, then you will have it. Many a times, we do it the other way round. We try to believe in God only AFTER we have received the miracles. We pray for what we want- and we don’t get it (yet) – then we give up, and then we say –nah God doesn’t listen to my prayers. No, that’s not the way. Believe that you ALREADY have it, and then it will be yours. It’s not really about timing. It’s just the matter of how our faith is put to God. Well, it seems like God’s faith operates differently from man’s.

Believing in what you have seen, that’s just mere believing. Believe in what you have not seen – now that’s called FAITH.

Thursday, May 10, 2012





“嘻~ 那樱花多美丽!”远处传来公主的声音,她是一个很开朗的女孩,常爱傻笑。天真的她,将世界看成多么美好,充满正义感,过一个无知的少年青春梦。他是保卫她 的侍卫,冷漠,成熟,绝顶聪明;一层冰霜覆盖,常让人捉摸不到他的心思。平凡的开始,平凡的相遇,紧接着,是否有着平凡的相知和相惜?









时常,他安慰她。除了为她加油,他不能做些什么;也只能静静的聆听她的心声。他知道她的心很脆弱。王子的一举一动,她都会胡思乱想。渐渐的,他们俩时常陪伴着对方。他曾经为她熬夜, 一起说话,陪她看难得一见的流星星空。朋友,就这么简单,对吧?















No, thank you








又是累人的chain message。但是,草的手机是不常响的。难得有人send message给他,他真的很感激…Ei?奇怪,对着陌生的号码,这个人,我并不认识啊?纳闷的草,也只能硬者头皮问了…

“Excuse me, may I know who are you please?”

“哈哈,我是音, 与你同班的那个啊!你好吗?”






“你也一样呢!我也会陪伴你的 ^^















这他仍然爱她。当别人问起他爱过谁时,他会搬出最灿烂的笑容,会答:“No, thank you. 相信那会是草最好看的时候吧!