Sunday, December 23, 2012

使徒系列 - 彼得



他那为主燃烧的心,已经完全冷淡了。耶稣的门徒?这个名号可响, 但不见耶稣的日子,让他觉得一切都是浮云。






那人又说:你们把网撒在船的右边,就会捕到了。 他们就把网撒下,竟拉不上来,因为鱼很多。 





但没有一个门徒敢问他:你是谁? 因为他们都知道是主。









彼得  - 希伯来文诠释为 “石头”  - 从一块不起眼的顽石,变成教会的房角石。这就是救赎的恩典,能够把诅咒变为祝福。

Sunday, December 9, 2012

使徒系列 - 保罗


“不要惧怕我的名,乃要惧怕给予我新名字的名。我以前叫扫罗,精通所有文章和律法,杀害你所杀害的基督徒。现在我的名是保罗 - 乃是耶稣基督所给的。”





Sunday, November 18, 2012



他们的婚礼简陋,没有亲朋戚友,没有豪华的 酒店,纯粹,是因为双方的家庭都不赞同这个婚礼。









Monday, October 29, 2012

暗示 - 暧昧

有一个故事很悲伤。 悲伤的让人觉得很正常。



这种雄雌关系的互动,是哺乳动物的本性 - 男的要征服,女的要被征服。

然而,他没有向她表白,她也等他表白。就连单独在一起的时候,他们心中也没有意识要承认。他们很舒服的活在这种状态 - 因为很甜蜜。 一个小拥抱他就可以闻她的发香,一个打哈欠她就可以睡在他的怀抱。

或许男的还没有勇气来负责当情侣的责任,所以迟迟不敢表白,又或许女的在乎女生的矜持什么来着, 也不敢向前。因为说白了,两个人都不想退回普通朋友的关系。

那就是暧昧 - 肉体上的短暂的接触,却是心灵永久的期待。

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


edited by Chrisjvk

Everyone has dreams. Be it to be one of the Power Rangers when we are all young, or to be a *put in your ambition here* when we all grow up. It doesn’t really matter what your dreams are, as long as you believe in it. You know, you don’t even need to achieve it. Just let them be your dreams. Something that you can dream on.

Here is my wishlist.

1.Be a Professional Gamer

I have always wanted to be a professional gamer. When I mean professional, I mean getting paid for that. It is a carreer. Well, more like make a living with something I really like. There are world championships for e-sports. They aint so common in SEA but in North America and Europe they are. Imagine you are sitting on 1 of the 5 chairs, with your own personal keyboard, mouse and headgears, controling your hero with all your gadgets while the crowd can see how well you perform on the big big screen. League of Legends. Oh. Every single teamfight, team save, tower push will thrill the crowd. You are gonna make decisions wthin seconds, and every good call of yours will lead to cheers  from the crowd. And yourself of course. Fast reactions, fast actions, fast fingers. All these just show you are a quick witted guy. They are just like other international sports games. You need to practise, and you need to deal with pressure. How you behave is how far you gonna bring yourself. But this is one of the dreams that will never come true. I guess.

2.Experience the Winter

I have never touched a snowflake before. Never. Even my mum had the chance to  experience it but not me. How much I wish that just one day, I can throw away all the burdens and just go on backpack travelling. Have like 1 week of  break and just immerse myself in snow. And take good pictures of the snowy pine trees. Oh, snowball fight anyone?

3.Be a pilot

To be honest, I had this dream because being a pilot lets me travel for free.  I had this ambition sooo long ago. And the naïve(used to be) me thinks that it would be awesome if my wife is an airhostess, then we can travel+work together. How cool is that. Oh well. Dream and reality are always so far apart.

4. Be in a state badminton team

This is a regret, not a dream I guess. Gave up training 8 years ago just so that I have more time for other activities. But now (like 8 years later) I find that I really have passion in badminton. But its too late to train for competitive plays. Recreational maybe.

5.To serve missionary in Kenya for 1 year.

This is the only dream that is still achievable I guess. I do not know whether this is a call, but I think serving missionary in Africa can really change me,  or to be exact, humble me. Looking at how I am such a netizen, even living without internet connection will kill me. So going to Kenya is different. You deal with patients, and refugees. Those sick and disabled will let me know how rich I am, and I ought to be contented. Dear Lord, louder call please.

Here and then I do pick up new dreams, or rather small goals. And along the way I do drop them off. Frankly I tell you, dear readers, I have never achieved anything glorious. Nothing. But one thing I am sure – through day dreaming, I do find values in me. And this process shapes me. Sometimes I just think it is good to let your imagination go wild, though after that you will still have to face the cruel reality.

Having that said, I’ve never worried about my future, cos someone has already taken good care of it for me.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah29:11

Rest assured plan. This is my wonderful Lord. Dreams? I can dream, but it’s the Lord who's gonna make it for me.
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Friday, September 28, 2012




你听好 - 是我创造了你。没有编剧,就没有男主角的诞生。这部戏和别的戏不一样,因为它的道具和取景是世界万物。我的权利很大。虽然你是导演,但是是由我负责来写这部戏。故事的情节安排,都有我的手来亲自编写。


演戏的过程中,也许你会累,因为你又是导演,又是演员。过后你发现你竟然不能把这部戏演好。你犯了很多错- 哦,忘了告诉你,在这部戏里边,是不能够重拍的。Camera 在你出生的时候就开始action录像,直到你死了我才帮你喊"cut"。你发现这部戏太难演了,你喘不过气来 - 因为罪的诞生,破坏了你整部片子。








Saturday, September 8, 2012

When Thank You Is Not Enough

edited by Jen Yeh

I have always wanted to write a post on KEWOC, but never had the time until recently. This is a quite a long post, for I am expressing my gratitude to 21 people. You can skip and jump to the person that you want to read, or if you do have time you are welcome to read'em all. Some of them are quite personal, so pardon me for that.

A sincere thank you  to all the KEWOCers:

Wai Kit
You are one of the most capable leader/head that I have ever met. You do things clean and neat. I have total confidence in letting you deal with the logs and of course, money. I really want to apologize for the incident of the first dry run, which caused trouble for you and your logs team. I really had a good time with you in the Penang trip, and hell yeah, I WON IN BLANKET PULLING. :) All the best for your floorball aye!

Sorry for squeezing your butt all this while xD

Yan Yi
My dear marketing head. You proved yourself a hardworking, dedicated person by continuously looking for sponsors for KEWOC. I can never forget the happy and satisfied expression that showed on your face every time you managed to get one more company to sponsor to our project. OUR GOODIE BAG IS FULL OF STUFFS YO. I must say you and your team did a good job in this.You are a person who thinks far into the future. You can foresee problems lying under the surface that others can't. But at the same time you are always worried for the things (which may not even happen) in the future. Take a chill pill, enjoy life and be a philanthropic tai tai :)

Hou Yan Yi ah.... zuomok?

Meng Hwee
Dont worry about the results of Flag Day. You have put in your best effort, and I do understand your stand towards funds collection activity. Night cycling was a blast too! Everyone enjoyed that event. I think you will excel in something if you are interested in it - you are such a meticulous person ; I can tell from the way you paint your gundam models :) Jia you in Hall Play set buildings!

Fate/Zero ending sucks right? xD

No word describe you better than "workaholic". You are very fast and efficient in doing work. Whatever I asked you to do, you never failed to complete it. Thank you for helping me with all the emails and also the receipts bookkeeping. I am still wondering how on earth you managed to remember each and every freshmen's check in details AND their room number. Next time, don't bug people to do work at 1am k?

3 throws of Celine - Throw her food, she will eat; throw her work, she will do; throw her your bag, and she will carry it for you :)

I never expected that you would agree to be the programmes head when I first approached you. Together we discussed about the direction of KEWOC, and, of course, together we reminisced about the moments we had together for KEWOC last year. This year's KEWOC was a success, and you, as a programmes head, do deserve credit. You led the programmes team well, and I think all 9 of them like you as head. Uh oh, if one day you can't walk, stop telling jokes for they are too lame. Stop trolling others!


We did not have the chance to really talk to each other until we went to get our hair cut together. There you told me your heroic stories in the army. You pointed out the things that I should improve on, especially in leadership qualities. You boasted to me how your encik is a leader by example, a high rank officer who is able to be humble enough to mingle with the lower rank peeps. You introduced to me some of the local colloquial that is used in Singapore. You explained to me why certain people behave one way while others don't. You do challenge authority sometimes, yet you are willing to help when s serious problem really occurs. You can rara the crowd. You are one of the "carriers" of KEWOC. . Other than my gratitude, I really salute you for who you are.

Play LoL together next time. No jio me, I flare you.

You taught me a lot of things. You showed me the proper way of how to run a camp. You tried to teach me how to be the "clown". You showed me some other qualities of good leader. In fact, the skill that I wanted to learn from you is photography, but aiyah, never had the time. I am really glad that you took up the MEDIA X head. The photo shoot quality is REALLY GOOD. Thanks for the coverage! And help me to say thank you to your Media members also. One thing I must say, you revived the entire KE Media. :)

And I will never forget the 亚麻爹 joke :)

Love to call you Zu-er. You have always been the sunshine girl in KEWOC. You always present yourself with a big grin on your face. You, too, taught me how to technically run a camp. Trust me, beach day was fun. You and Liangxun organized it very very well. Shucks for the rain, but still a job well done! Anyway, jiayou for your touch rug k!

Will continue to call you Zu-er.

MELCHEE92. Thank you for lending me your shoulder when I am sad. You have always been sweet. You always comfort me when I am down. And whenever I have problems and start emo-ing, you will be there to chat with me. Though sometimes you may not be able to solve my problem, you never fail to cheer me up. Thank you Mel, for being such a good friend. AND I PROMISE, NEXT TIME IT WILL BE OUT OF NUS. *bro fist*

Girls who play computer games ROCK.

The only impression I have of you is that you have always been a GODLIKE programmer since more than 2 years ago. So much so that the PDF template that we are using now is from you! Well, I also want to apologize that I have been inconsistent about the block day thingy. To wrap everything up, I still think you are a godlike programmer :D

Thanks for the all the tips in BGR :D

I find that you're actually a talented girl. You can dance well. And for things that you put effort into, most of time it will turn out well. There are probably misunderstandings here and there between you and me, but I do hope that all of them are resolved - wait - I still have to work under you for 1 year in block com! I have to say sorry for the conflicts in FDC. Everyone has emotions; we just need to learn how to control them; and make sure they don't override our rationale. Jia you Adela. E block is quite happening this year.

One E to Rule'em all.

Sue Yuin
阳光美少女!I find your effort to help to save the environment by reducing the consumption of meat to be very interesting. Now I know that consumption of 1kg of meat will indeed produce 1.4kg of carbon dioxide. It is also interesting to know that both of us are the only 2 Malaysians in KEWOC. Play badminton together next time? and one thing - YOU ARE NOT FAT at all, trust me.

to quote Siying : 阳光99,活力久久!

Jing Jia
I have never met someone who can laugh so loud! I didn't really know you well before KEWOC, but sooner or later I found out (sadly) that you actually have the same "frequency" as I do! All the lame jokes that I tell you can pick up quickly, and in fact you can tell LAMER jokes than I can! I really enjoyed the times when both of us could sit down and talk nonstop! :) and can you cook noodles again? They are super tasty! :)

Have fun living together with the messsy HonQi for 1 more year :P

I have always had the wrong impression of you. I always thought you were the playful type of person, until time spent together with you proved me wrong. You are a person who is very sensitive towards the emotional changes of people around you. You are able to pick up signals when someone around you is in a foul mood. I wish I had that ability. You do care for your friends. It really shocked me when I saw you donating money to the old man when we were on the Penang trip. Just wanna thank you for listening to all my problems, and also the advice given - if you still remember what the advice was. :D

Yasmin action number 1 - TAP YOUR CHIN.

It is indeed an asset to take you in the team, though you joined us late. I really appreciate your help and effort in helping the programmes team. You have good initiative and hardworking. I like the way you ran your programmes - you wrote down things in detail and everything was so idiot proof. It may cause some constraints, but well, this is your way of doing work. I guess Yan Yi also felt relieved when you joined her team. You reduced her work load by a lot, I guess? Forgive me for keep calling you "sister", and all the best for JCRC. Our welfare is now in your hands :)

Open a new course. ALO 1101. I can be your tutor.

Whenever I asked for opinions/suggestions, the only reply that you would give is "okay lah". And I like to tap your forehead! Next time don't simply throw your slippers around, and don't kick my ass!!! Good job in logistics! Join handball yeah! The female team needs you!

I know what to buy to treat you already. PAPAYA! :D

The only impression I had  about you before KEWOC started was that you were a handball player last year. I didn't really get to know who you were until KEWOC gave me the chance. Sorry to HonQi, JJ and June, but I must say AMONG THE FOUR you are indeed the most 乖(good girl) and honest one. HAHAHA. You will never troll others (not that I know), and you don't facejack others like the other 3 do. Good job in helping with the logistics. Sorry for the first dry run. Jia you for softball ah!

and I will never forget that you said "I don't think He will mess me up like that." - if you still remember what is this. xD. Thanks ah.

Wee Yang
You have been quiet all this while, but I am glad that sometimes you do open up and say things to me. I had fun checking in your brother, WHO LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE YOU. I am indeed surprised about the fact that you are a salsa dancer and practice martial arts! Do come down and join other activities k! Have fun running the Culture Com!

Never knew that you are "COOL AND MYSTERIOUS".

 Second year of joining KEWOC, and again, you volunteered yourself to handle the webtech. I really appreciate that you were willing to sacrifice your working time to help me. The KE official webpage is an awesome one. I guess nobody else could have done a better job than you (or even been willing to take it on).  No one can teach me better about computer stuffs than you. Sorry for bugging you whenever my rooted phone has problems, or when my MBP is not able to boot!

Teach me PHP one day, maybe? :)

I can never forget the day that you drew the flag for Velox and Regalix. Your drawing and painting stunned me. Amazing artwork. That was the very first time I knew there was an exchange student who came from the States.You are the first one to introduce to me what is Hulu and Netflix. Of course, I am amazed not only at your art, but also at your efficiency in doing work. Email sent at 2.05 pm, got a reply at 2.08pm. I miss the time praying together with you! Keep this going, and your virtues(and wisdom and knowledge from God) will allow you to pursue further and higher achievements in life.

and I know you go clubbing everyday every Wednesday.

And lastly, to my dear vice-head of KEWOC, Hon Qi
You are the person who worked closest with me. You shared my problems. Knowing you used to be a leader with high calibre, it was in fact very stressful together to work with you. Pardon me if I have not been a good senior or leader. I have been inefficient sometimes, or tend to forget things. Sorry for the stress that you have to carry up for the 3 months. You are stressed because of the obligation to take care of the safety of the freshman. Sorry for the incident that happened before the trip. Looking back, there is nothing much for me to say, other than a sincere thank you and sorry. KEWOC 12/13, we did it, didn't we! And you still owe me something :D

I hope one day, maybe in 15 years time, I will be able to call you Dr Hon.

There are too many things that I took away from the entire KEWOC, working and playing together with you guys. I learned that everyone holds different values. Sometimes there is really nothing right or wrong about certain decisions made. We come from different backgrounds and therefore hold different values.From a stubborn Fang Hau ( well maybe I still am), I learned to accept people's decision, and their rationale behind. Ultimately I am learning how to accept everyone's values, and eventually accepting others for who they are. I used to be judgmental, now I always persuade myself to see the best in everyone. You guys taught me how to be humble, and see things from a different point of view. You guys taught me not to be a dictatorial leader, and to be instead, a leader by example. You guys taught me how to let go of certain things, but grab hold of what is important. Of course, I DO FEEL PROUD THAT SOMEHOW MANY OF YOU LEARNED MY LAME JOKES. HAHAHAHAH

PROJECT VII was definitely a success, or at least, this is true from the comments of the freshmen and the SCRC. But still, somehow I do feel that, for this project, I didn't play much of a role. You guys were the carriers ( ask Zach what's the meaning of carry!). In the end, everyone was helping each other, making sure that the programmes ran smoothly and turning the entire camp into a blast. Trust me, I think it was worth it to put in much effort into running this programme. We did work together, play games together and go crazy together, (SLEEP TOGETHER NO? ). We quarreled. We cried. We laughed. Eventually, we really came together as one team, presenting ourselves proudly in front of the freshman as the best KEWOCers ever.

Here, I would want to take this chance, to sincerely apologize to everyone, for all of the misconduct/misbehavior that I have committed. I am sorry for not being a good leader, but still, KEWOC 12/13 is definitely one of my best memories in KE hall.

Till next time, agents! This song, dedicated for all of us - When you say nothing at all by Ronan Keating

p/s: If there is only one thing that I can do to repay everyone, I will pray for all of you, though you may or may not be a Christian. And trust me, my Lord is not stingy to bless. † :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

梦想 ·飞翔

梦想 ·飞翔








Sunday, September 2, 2012

Until the End

Until the End

Long before the heaven and earth were created.
You were there, dwelling happily together with the Father.
You are the joy and the delight of His eyes.
Together, You created the Heaven and Earth.
You are the Word, the Wisdom, the Knowledge.

They broke the law. They broke the covenant. 
Sadly, they broke Your heart.
They fell, they sinned, they struggled.
They were driven. They left, You cried.

Well planed. You came. 
In flesh, filled with spirit.
To save, to heal , to pay the debt.

Jealousy and hypocrisy
They couldn't accept You. 
You performed miracles
They saw with their eyes of flesh
but chose not to believe by their eyes of faith
They are still waiting, yet they don't know You are the coming one.

Alone, You walked that path.
Carrying all the transgressions, the sins, the anxieties.
Rejected and betrayed, You took up the cross,
so as to pay the ultimate price - to redeem.

On the cross,
by the stripes we are healed,
by the curses we are blessed,
and by the life that You gave,
We are born again.

Darling of heaven crucified.
The perfect exchange. 
Finished work, once and for all.

They walked
Until the end
There stand a Servant, a Lamb, a Shepherd, a King,
The Messiah, The Lord
The Creator of Heaven and Earth
The Grace Nailed in Hand.
The One who saves.

Monday, June 11, 2012






他的理性告诉他,去吧,把它杀死,不要重蹈覆辙。疯狂的理性驾驭着微弱的感性,清楚地在他的耳朵说 -不行,将来它长大了变成大树,会经不起大风,会倒下,会压倒他的屋子,会给他带来麻烦,会给他带来祸害,会让他受伤。






Monday, June 4, 2012







就算有一天,我的队友都倒下,我仍然要站起来,背后的旌旗随风飘逸;他会派遣那七大天使来帮助我 - 这一战,纵使我一个人孤军作战,我仍要为他而斗。




Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can God create a stone that is so heavy that even He himself cannot lift it up?

edited by Celine Yeap

Can God create a stone that is so heavy that even He himself cannot lift it up?

I still remember someone asked me this question back then 3 years ago, when I was still a young Christian. To be honest I really couldn’t answer this question myself. Either answer, yes or no, would be a contradiction of the fact that God is able to do everything.

This question did bug me for quite a while, until I studied mathematical proving in university. To be exact, I didn’t find the answer for the question, but I did however, find a solution to prove that this question is a flawed question.

Can God create a stone that is so heavy that even He himself cannot lift it up? The answer is “yes, with condition”, or at the same time “no, with condition”. 

To prove that this question is a flawed question, firstly, we need to understand the concept of “mathematical induction”. It is not a difficult concept, and I am providing a few examples, which are quite self explanatory.

One technique we are going to use is CONTRAPOSITIVE. Putting it in its simplest form, “contrapositive” means “if not A, then not B”. It states that given a set A, if an element doesn’t belong to set A, then it is not possible that it will be in set B.  Let’s try with the simplest example.

Statement: If a number can be divided by 2, then it is an even number.
Contrapositive statement: If a number is NOT an even number, then it CANNOT be divided by 2.

It’s quite simple right? Now, we can see that the set of A is “even number”, and set B is “can be divided by 2”. This technique can be applied not only in maths, but things concerning daily life. Let’s try another example.

Supposing this statement is true: “If a man can walk, then he can run”
Then the contrapositive statement will be: “If a man CANNOT run, then he CANNOT walk”.

Now let us apply these to our question: Can God create a stone that is so heavy that even He himself cannot lift it up? Before we continue, we all have to agree that God is omnipotent (able to do all things). In fact, this question tries to disprove it. In this, we first implement the condition that God can create such stone, and the question is, whether He himself can lift it up or not.

Okay, let’s get started.

Statement 1: We all know a stone has mass.
Contrapositive:  If a stone doesn’t have mass, then it is not a stone.

Statement 2: And we know the range: from the lightest mass, say 0kg, to the maximum mass, ∞kg.
Contrapostiive: If a stone’s mass doesn’t lie in between 0kg to ∞kg, then it doesn’t have mass.

Statement 3: We agreed that God is omnipotent.
Contrapositive : If God is not omnipotent, then He is not God.

Statement 4: According to God’s omnipotence, He can lift all the stones, ranging from 0kg to ∞kg.
Contrapositive: If God cannot lift all the stone ranging from 0kg  to ∞kg, then He is not omnipotent.

Now, suppose, there is just one stone which God cannot lift; we name it stone X.

  1. According to statement 1, this stone X ought to have some sort of mass (if not, it is not a stone!) 
  2. Subsequently, according to statement 2, this stone X’s mass will lie in between 0kg to ∞kg (if not, it doesn't have mass, and if it doesn’t have mass, it is not a stone!). 
  3. Then, according to statement 3 and 4, since this stone X’s mass will lie in between 0kg to ∞kg, then God is able to lift it up(if not, it is either God is not God or, the stone is not a stone). 
And we are done with our proving.

So the gist part is this : Stone X’s mass must be less than or equal to ∞, but since God can lift even the ∞kg of stone, what else can’t He lift up?

Of course, contrapositives may not be true all the time (pardon me for not explaining due to space constraints), but it is true for our case. Or, we can try to disprove the contrapositive statements. You can try to say a stone doesn't have mass, but even child knows that all matter has mass and occupy space. You can try to say God is not omnipotent, but my bible states that God is able in doing all things: For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37

So, there lies a contradiction. We have just proved that God can lift up stone X, but at the same time the description of stone X is a stone which God cannot lift up. The real conclusion, is, what is stone X? I do not know. The contradiction states that the statement is flawed. Stone X doesn’t exist.

Remember the condition is such that God CAN create such stone, and we are proving whether He can lift it up or not (Pragaraph 10, line 4). By the same method, we can do it the other way round. We can first agree that God can lift up all stones, and then try to prove whether God can create it or not. I can assure you will get the same results. The statement itself is flawed. Well then, how can we answer a yes no question, if the statement itself is flawed?

A memorable quote a famous pastor, Pastor Stephen Tong, said is that we should “Never try to prove the existence of God. God is a creator; your proof is a creation. How can a creation prove the existence of a creator?”

Well said, and I truly believe that it is by His wisdom that He created all things and does all things, and what we experience here are all His arts pointing to His finished work. J

Saturday, May 19, 2012

3 Days Worth of Memory

Many of us would have read “Three Days to See” by Helen Keller, but what if, you only had 3 days worth of memories?

Three days to see, or three days of life, or three days worth of memories – wait, I am no noble man here to discuss philosophical questions such as these.

Once someone said: “If you can live life like there’s no tomorrow, and just do what you want to do, then your life will never be the same again.” How true it is, but I doubt its practicality. We all want to do what we want to do, but most of the time we cannot. There are too many things that we need to take into consideration, you know; freedom comes with limitations. We can’t, say, quit our jobs or studies and travel to a far far place, remain there and enjoy life. At the same time, one man influences another. We need to take care of our parents, our spouse, our friends and many other parties in our lives. Even if we are able to do put all these things down, and aim for our dreams, we still need to take care of our basic needs. Man needs to first produce then consume. If I don’t work, how am I going to fill my stomach? That is why, desire and reality are always far apart. For those who can bring them close together, success belongs to them.

What if, there exists a special kind of disease, which allows your brain to retain only 3 days worth of memory. After every three days, you will forget everything – you forget who you are and those who are around you. You do not remember a single thing. All your academic or technical skills are wiped clean. You are left with nothing except for the ability to communicate and the rationale to judge logically. Will you still be able to live?

I can’t imagine how meaningless that life would be. If you were a successful man, all your glorious and wonderful moments are to be erased, after just three days. You cannot retain a single thing. Even if someone is to record it down, it would be futile, because eventually you will not remember even who you are. The “you” 3 days before is NOT THE SAME as the “you” 3 days after. Meaningless is that life, but there is one thing which is comforting. Say if you have a miserable life, condemned and abandoned, after 3 days, you will forget everything. All your transgressions and your iniquities will be gone, and you can start a brand new life.

Of course, your main challenge is still, survival. You do not have any knowledge. All that you learned in high school and college – you lose them. You have no qualifications, no papers, nothing. How do you earn a living? And what if, you are allowed choose to let your brain remember one thing; just one single thing, what would it be? How do you, technically, survive?

If I were to be placed in such a situation, I would let my brain remember that “I have such a disease”. I may have lost my memories, but I haven’t lost my rationale. Literally, I am still able to think. My rationale will still be able to guide me to find food and the basic needs. Having myself reminded of this disease ensures a peace of mind. At least, I won’t do anything stupid, or at least, I would know how to resolve my priorities – first to survive then do something else. Once this part is done, I am safe, and need not worry about other things.

The strategy stated above is crucial, even in real life. You see, “allowing my brain to remember that I have such a disease” is just the same as “to know and identify yourself” (in real life). Many a times, we are blinded by a lot of things. Our heart is troubled by the daily problems that we face. The worst part is, we let circumstances redefine ourselves. For example, you wish to be successful, or to get rich, but you end up in a college. Why? That’s because everyone is attending college, and you “FEEL” that if you don’t do the same, you will be left out. You think you are not able to compete with the others. You think that no companies are going to hire you. Again, our values are compromised. We lose our directions, and eventually our identities. We forget who we are. See, when you forget who you are, you are identical to the person without memories! Why? It’s because when you are lost, you do not know your priorities. You cannot apply what you have learnt. You follow what the other says. You don’t feel comfortable when things are out of norm. You cannot control not the problems but yourself. When the trouble is small, you magnify it and start to worry about it – all because, you do not know your priorities and this is first because you are lost.

The bible says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. How wise these words are! (Mark 6:34)

If I were to have only 3 days worth of memory, I would spend the first two days thinking, and the last day executing what I have thought.

For every 3 days, I am left with nothing. All I have is my brain telling me I have this weird disease. But it reminds me that my “LIFE” is short, technically only 3 days. I know that I only have 3 days worth of memory. I have to survive these 3 days, by hook or by crook. I need a plan. I need to think. A plan to survive, think to live. I will not spend a single effort to do any other things within these two days. All I will have to think is just to plan carefully, and this plan will have to allow me to live for 3 days. The plan cannot fail, because I can’t afford to. I only have 3 days, and there is no reverse if I were to fail. I can think of how to make a small impact on others. I can think of how to help others. All these things will be part of my 3 day plan.

As for the last day, I will stop thinking. I let my brain rest. For now, I will concentrate on executing the plan. This is my last day of my 3 day life. Tomorrow I will have a new one. I will not regret in what I do. Regret is not what I should do now but the first two days. No other things should divert my concentration. I need to find food, food that is enough for 3 days. This is because after tomorrow, I will lose my memories again, and for the next two days spent in planning and thinking, I have to consume what I have previously found. I am not sure how I plan to help others, but I guess I am still be able to make an impact to the people around me, even if it is less significant than it should be. I am free to help others – because there is no conflict of interest. I will not remember anything else, after I wake up tomorrow. As long as I am able to survive, nothing is important to me.

If I were to follow what I have written above, then I would have spent 2/3 of my time enriching myself, while the other 1/3 enriching others.  Now life is THAT short, but I bet it’s well spent.

Friday, May 18, 2012


English Version: 3 Days Worth of Memory


三天的光明,三天的记忆,或者是剩下三天的生命 - 这种这么哲学的东西,我要写得多伟大就可以有多伟大。

我记得曾经有人说过 如果你把每一天的生活都当着是你生命的最后一天,做你自己想做的事,那么你的人生肯定会很不一样。”我说先生啊,你这话说得也倒轻松,你以为我不想吗?但是全世界又有几个人可以做到?为什么我们做不到?理由很简单 理想归理想,现实归现实。现实中,我们有太多的牵挂 上有父母,下有家人,你对身边的朋友的交待,你所处理的事务;学习也好,工作也罢,很多时候我们是不能够就这么一走了之。就当你能够那么的潇洒一走了之,我们还要考虑人的基本需求,衣食住行 ;不工作生产,哪里来的钱喂肚子啊?所以,要从现实中实现理想,就必须能够抛开一切不顾一律的,那么成功就属于他们。所以成功永远属于那少数人- 而我承认我没有那么圣贤

如果你患有一种病, 它使你的记忆只能停留在三天以内。三天以后,你会忘记你所有的一切,你会忘记你自己,你会忘记你身边的人,你学过的任何学术和技术你都会忘记,留给你的只剩下语言、沟通和基本逻辑的判断能力之外,你会怎样?是否有想过这个问题?

那一定会是一个很残忍的现实。假使今天我有傲人的成绩,我多么的成功 三天后,全部都会化为灰烬,风光史绩不再。但与此同时,那也会使一个很慰人的事实。假使今天我输得一败涂地,我被人侮辱唾骂 - 三天后,我不再记得,万事可以从头来过,东山再起。当然,每个三天的开始,你没有一技之长,你什么都不会;所有的生物化学物理都不会记得 你忘了全部。所以,想办法生存,是你每个三天开始的第一个使命。如果真的有一天这么来临了,你会怎么办?如果又让你选择在记忆中保留一样东西,那会是什么呢?你又会用什么样的方法维持生命?


换着是我,如果让我选择在记忆中保留一样东西, 我会选择让我的记忆记着“我患有此病”。我会忘记一切,但我仍然可以思考-而让自己知道患有此病,绝对是个明智的选择,因为至少我的理性可以引导我,我不会出错,不会慌张,也可以让我在最短的时间内,想出生存的方法。三天记忆的时间,告诉自己“患有此病”- 是我们现今生活最缺少的东西, 那就是 认清自己”。我们被太多的东西迷惑和牵引- 它们可以是功名利禄,可以是琐事,可以是生活中的大问题小问题;但往往这些东西让我们迷失了自己。迷失了自己就跟没有记忆是一样的 - 因为你所学会的东西使不出来,没有效果,想解决却不能解决,只能颓废的被问题牵着鼻子走,然后没有目的的生存。你对你自己本身认知的价值被替代了、被人定值了。你想成为一个成功的人,就去读大学,为什么呢?因为人人都读大学,你不读大学,你就认为你自己没有机会成功。你看,你对成功的定义也是人家帮你设定的。



你看,在全新的三天里,我没有任何东西,只记得我有怪病 - 但它提醒我,我的“人生”只剩三天。我必须花一段的时间来思考,我应该怎么过这三天 。思考什么呢?思考我该怎么弄到足够三天的食物填饱肚子,思考我应该在最后一天做一件小小,但却有能力影响至少一个人的事情。在思考的期间,我不会花任何的努力去做任何事情,只会绞尽脑汁的想,仔细周详的计划-因为这个计划我不能出错,我只有三天,错了我可不能从来。这样,我的专注力会很强,我的逻辑脑部会很发达,我所思考的东西,就完全不会被记忆捆绑着。没有记忆的约束,我就是自由的人。

剩下最后一天,我就不思考了,而是全神贯注的去做我两天前所想好的东西,或是我已经做好的决定。这最后一天,我不会后悔我所做的一切,我会付全力去做,做好它, 因为后悔应该是我前两天做的事,而不是今天。我必须照着我之前想好的方法,去找三天的食物。必须是三天的食物,因为接下来的两天,我又会失去记忆,那接下来的两天我在思考,吃得必须是前三天找回来的食物。我做的东西不求回报-因为回报也没有用,过了明天我就忘记了。做,做那么看似微小,却占据我生命三分一的事情,去影响别人,去造就别人, 因为对于自己的东西不重要了,反正过了明天你也会忘记。就这样,我轰轰烈烈地过了我的三天。之后,另一个三天将来临,我重新开始。

如果这么做,那么我的生命的全部, 2/3花在充实自己,1/3花在造就别人。我不知道我会重复多少个这么样的三天,但至少,这样的人生,是没有白过了吧。